1. Help Center
  2. Access the Courses

How do I login?

You can sign up, sign in, reset your password, and more here.

Sign Up

To sign up for any of our courses, simply visit our website at https://courses.dts.edu. Once you're on the sign-up page, you'll be prompted to provide your name, email address, and create a password for your account. Rest assured, all our courses are completely free to enroll in.

While the courses themselves are free, we do appreciate any donations you may choose to give. Your generous contributions help us continue to provide quality education and resources to learners like yourself. However, please note that donations are entirely optional and not required for course enrollment.

Sign In

To sign in to your existing account, please visit our website at https://courses.dts.edu/users/sign_in. On the sign-in page, you will need to enter your email address and password correctly. If you encounter any errors while signing in, double-check that you have entered the right email address and password.

Reset Password

If you ever encounter any issues signing in to your account, please make sure that you have entered the correct email address and password. If you're still experiencing trouble, you can reset your password by visiting the password reset page at https://courses.dts.edu/users/password/new.


Still Having Issues?

If you're still unable to login, fill out the form below and we can check into your account for issues.